Language Interpretation Rights!
No one should be discriminated due to their language they speak. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Policy Guidance on the Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination As It Affects Persons With Limited English Proficiency
Contact our office to get copies of I+"I speak card"
Si usted habla o tiene familiares que hablan
alguna lengua indígena como Mixteco,
Zapoteco, Triqui, Tlapaneco u otra lengua
indígena, usted tiene el derecho de recibir
interpretación en su lengua, esto incluye en:
Agencias locales, Estatales y Federales
Clínicas y Hospitales
en las escuelas
Departamentos de policía, sheriff
Es la ley, es tu derecho.
Overview of Title VI
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Policy Guidance on the Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination As It Affects Persons With Limited English Proficiency
The purpose of this policy guidance is to clarify the responsibilities of providers of health and social services who receive Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (“recipients,” “providers” or “covered entities”), and assist them in fulfilling their responsibilities to Limited English Proficient (LEP) persons, pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The policy guidance reiterates HHS' longstanding position that in order to avoid discrimination against LEP persons on grounds of national origin, health and social service providers must take adequate steps to ensure that such persons receive the language assistance necessary to afford them meaningful access to their services, free of charge. The guidance also clarifies for health and social service providers, and members of the public, that a recipient/covered entity must ensure that eligible LEP persons have meaningful access to programs and services. The guidance also provides examples of policies and practices that OCR would find violative of Title VI, and sets out the policies, procedures and other steps that recipients can take to ensure meaningful access to their programs by LEP persons.